Hi everyone,
Whether you are gay or straight.......
Whether you think same-sex marriage is aping heterosexual stereotypes or not....
I'm sure you agree that we all deserve the right to love equally.
Please support equal opportunity by sending a brief email to the City of Melbourne in support of their proposed Relationships Register. Let's not let the homophobes win this one.
Please pass onto your networks and contacts encouraging them to support this important step in recognising loving relationships...
MELBOURNE CITY COUNCIL RELATIONSHIPS REGISTER MAY FAIL WITHOUT YOUR SUPPORTThe Melbourne City Council's proposed Relationships Register (allowing same-sex couples to register their relationship) is still not a reality.
Dozens of letters arguing against the register, but only two in support, have been received by Melbourne City Councillors. We need to let Council know that our community and our friends support same-sex relationship recognition.
1) SEND AN EMAIL NOWSend a short email of support now to
enquiries@melbourne.vic.gov.auSuggested content:
- Same-sex couples are just as loving and committed as heterosexual couples.
- Same-sex couples require legal and social certainty to organise their lives together.
- Recognising same-sex couples does not threaten heterosexual relationships or families.
-Same-sex couples are our family members, colleagues, neighbours and friends.
- Similar schemes around the world have been successfully implemented.
- Relationship recognition is not marriage.
- Melbourne City Council should provide leadership for a diverse and inclusive community.
2) ATTEND THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETINGAttend the Melbourne City Council Community Services Committee meeting to show your support. The Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby will make a formal written submission and oral presentation on behalf of our community.
We encourage you, if you're queer, to tell your personal stories of discrimination and why this scheme would remedy the situation.
Details:Date: Tuesday 13 February
Time: 7:30pm
Address: Melbourne City Council Meeting Room.
Access via Level 2, Town Hall Administration Building, 90 Swanston Street, Melbourne.
Note: Requests to address the committee for 3 minutes must be made to Council Secretariat on 9658 9707 by midday on 13 Feb.